Sunday, June 29, 2008

This could happen to anyone-

You always look at homeless people and wonder --how did it actually come to this. How did things get so bad, that there is no other option than this. Someone will always be able to help, right? But sometimes, there is nothing that can be done and years of mistakes and never saving for a rainy day can lead to this. I know a couple of people who are on the verge of this and I can't help them. I don't think it will come to this actual form of hell, but I see how quickly it can become a possibility. So, those people that once dined by the beaches of St. Maarten, had cozy dinners in warm apartments, with many laughs and deep conversations --who gave me anything and everything I wanted, could actually be two steps away from being homeless. God bless them. xo


Jeff said...

Especially this coming winter when thanks largely to the competence and intelligence of George W. Bush, thousands of Americans will not be able to pay to heat their homes or pay their mortgages. It is a perfect storm of hopeless for a lot of Americans. Thanks, George, now go away and let us try to fix what you so terribly screwed up.

Anonymous said...

Especially this coming winter when thanks largely to the competence and intelligence of George W. Bush, thousands of Americans will not be able to pay to heat their homes or pay their mortgages. It is a perfect storm of hopeless for a lot of Americans. Thanks, George, now go away and let us try to fix what you so terribly screwed up.