Saturday, November 17, 2007

Givin' Up Food For Funk

Just waking up ---Saturday morning--I got my decaf in hand-which is ever so daring I know---But I am givin' up food for funk-I don't need a bagel--I need to feel the funky funk---I also want to meet this guy on this album cover--I gotta tell him-- Dave--it's the best worst album cover I have ever seen-Zip Zap Rap!

The boys had a great show at The Back Room last night--was happy to be a part of the hilarity--AND the amazing Jim Gaffigan stopped by for a set--so funny---and the best Bacon material out of anyone-

Have a nice weekend--and please do yourself a favor and check out my show, MAX, at Ochi's lounge at Comix on November 28th-

Love Rube


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